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Time, Talent, & Resources


Giving of your time may be the most precious gift of all. There are so many opportunities to serve God, this church, and the community by offering you time for service. Whether you feel called to a ministry, service team, or an outside partner - your help is greatly appreciated. Opportunities exist to serve on the various church committees: Worship & Communion, Outreach, Mission, Finance, Staff-Parish Relations, Nurture, and Hospitality. Contact the Pastor and see what your heart is called to.


Perhaps you have a particular skill, such as Finance, Education, Music Performance, or Web Design. Maybe you have a green thumb and would love to tend the flowers. Perhaps you heart is overly compassionate and you would enjoy visiting the home bound. What ever your talent, it can be used in God's Kingdom. Share your blessing with the Pastor and watch what can happen!

Resources / Finances

The Lord may have blessed you with considerable comfort. Take heart, it may have been given to you so that you could help others less fortunate. Beyond planning how to given a portion of you blessing to the church, opportunities are available to help the needy within our community. Pour out upon others what God has poured out upon you. 

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God has given each of us unique interests, skills and gifts, and has designed us to live a life that matters – one that makes a difference in this world. We are committed to advancing God’s kingdom. Join us in experiencing the joy and privilege of being used by God to advance His kingdom!

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